Water is a foundational pillar of our physical, emotional and spiritual existence.
We know this but mostly don't honour it.
We have forgotten ( or never knew ) the innate power water has in its totally natural state in nature. This state is one of structured molecules that express as a liquid crystalline. Hexagonal forms of molecules that hold exactly the same charge as our cellular make up does.
Guess what? Our town water, our rainwater, bottled, filtered and dam water all have the opposite charge.
It's " dead " water with no life. There is no structure. The molecules are random.
For many, the collective acceptance that chemicals in our water being filtered out was enough. Then the bottling of water led us into the false perception we were good little humans. Not so. Despite science being aware of the physics (and quantum physics) of natural (structured) water, for decades, its mainstream acceptance has been slow, yet now building, as many listen to their own logic, feelings, intuition and from discovering the passionate people of science.
(research papers alone, as you know, can " prove " and " disprove" anything that serves ones wants)
MEA water devices restructure and revitalise your water by entraining a permanent negative charge to replicate the state of water in a pristine flowing river. This allows all living cells, humans, plants and animals to regulate and heal at their highest potential, the way nature intended. This technology is unique in that the device holds a high negative charge permanently. The devices require NO maintenance once installed and will perform indefinitely.
MEA water devices are made in Australia from the highest-grade materials. Each individual device is tested and labelled on site before being shipped.
An open mind.
Some of us a born with open minds. Some are not. Some are conditioned either way. Regardless, history shows us that all new discoveries are often founded on the dynamics of nature. History also shows us that new science ( or old science revealed ) takes time to cut through our collective conditioning and some would say the institutionalisation of frameworks the big boys have in play.
If you are feeling hesitant to accept structured water yet have sneaky feel to explore it more I encourage you to honour that. It truly is a magical ride when we see and experience the impact of structured water on our lives : be that on our health or simply the wonders of water itself.
Why is a negative charge in water so important?
The human body has around 40 trillion cells that divide down into 250 body organs (liver, kidneys, heart, etc.) and systems (nervous, hormone, lymphatic, etc.). Cellular health is primarily determined by the strength of the negative (-mV) charge of organ and systems cells. That is, the living cells operate at an optimal level as an energy system, supported by microbes (eg. gut microbes) and chemical actions (eg. cellular energy production).
The key processes in the body are digestion, absorption, assimilation, and elimination. Cells need to be at an optimal negative charge of about -50mV to enable proper cell regulation and healing.
All living species are regulated by two (2) forces: entropy and syntropy. Entropy (2nd Law of Thermodynamics) is the natural force that leads to decay or death unless there is a compensating force, eg. syntropy. Syntropy is a life-affirming force that slows down decay (ie. aging) and prevents disease. When entropy is the overpowering force, cell charge will change polarity and move to a positive (+mV) charge, and this is the zone of decay or disease.
MEA water device provides you with the best possible water to support a healthy lifestyle.
Time for change?
The world is changing. We are waking to our own sense of self and what serves us. It's time to give water the attention it deserves as the foundational pillar of health it is.
For those of you who place a high value (or espouse to) on your own health and that of your pets, plants and farms then read on and explore the wonder of alive, activated water and how you can experience it for yourself using the range of Australian made MEA water devices.
The MEA devices were invented by Robert Gourlay, who has over 30 years of water structure research along with significant accomplishments in ground water discovery and mapping and more, connected with the science of our land. His first prototype launched in 2012. Robert is a world leader in the structured water space. He is one of those rare human beings that combine science and the sacred into provable forms.
Thank you for dropping by and by all means contact me with any questions you may have.
"No longer do i moisturise the skin on my body since using my MEA Device. I'm amazed tbh”
[Jules ]